Wuala – free secure online storage for linux

I recently stumbled upon a free cloud based storage solution called Wuala. I have tested it out for some days now, and am quite impressed with their service, hence I wanna share it here, even though it is not exactly a FOSS project.

What distinguish Wuala from most of the other competitors in the field:


  • It is secure. All files get encrypted on you computer, before they are uploaded to the cloud. The files are chopped up and encoded into redundant fragments stored in multiple locations – not only the Wuala data centers – ensuring a safe and reliable means of storage.
  • You can increase the initial storage considerably for free by trading. Even though you start out with only 1GB free storage, you just have to enable the option to trade some of your hard drive space to gain additional online storage. This is calculated by multiplying your average online time by the amount of storage you share with the cloud. The only requirement is that the average online time must be at least 4 hours a day.
  • The desktop client integrates nicely in Ubuntu. It mounts as WualaDrive in the file manager, allowing you to work with your files in the cloud just like if they were on a local network drive.


Other features include: online backup with file versioning, automated sync of your online files across all your computers, and the option to share online files with friends.

The desktop application is available for most linux distributions, including Ubuntu and Debian, Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS and OpenSUSE. Furthermore there’s a client available for smart-phones,including Android, giving you access to your files anywhere and anytime.

Even though it’s not a FOSS project, part of Wuala has been open sourced, including the Wuala Webstart and Wuala Persistent Map.

I have really come to like this service. What do you think?

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